Registration can be done on the HPXM2023 indico website.

Call for abstract

It is possible to submit an abstract for a contribution here.
Abstract submission deadline: 14/05

Conference Fee

The fee must be paid in Euro (€) to the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati by bank transfer or credit card (and by "storno", for INFN participants only).

Early Bird Fee (until to 09/04)

Participants: 150,00 € (*)

Students: 100,00 € (*)

Regular Fee (from 10/04 to 11/06)

Participants: 200,00 € (*)

Students: 150,00 € (*)

(*) VAT included (22%). The fee covers workshop material, proceedings published in Open Access on Condensed Matter, coffee breaks, lunches and social events.

More info to follow

Method of payment (for non-INFN participants)

CREDIT CARD Payments with credit card must be done through the following web form: (accepted cards: Visa and Mastercard; suggested browsers: Firefox and Internet Explorer).


INFN - LNF Congressi e Foresterie Via E. Fermi, 40 - I00044 Frascati
IBAN: IT31 Q020 0839 1050 0010 2577 662

Please, in the reason for payment write: HPXM2018, registration of "participant's name and family name"


- since the bank transfer may take several days, a copy of the bank transfer receipt should be sent to the workshop secretary:;

- the bank transfer commission is at the sender's expense. Important Information

Participants must specify in the registration form all the billing details, necessary to prepare a correct fee receipt or invoice; they are invited to check with their administration if the fee must be invoiced to the institute or if it can be invoiced to the participant name.

Note: If the fee must be invoiced to the institute it is necessary to provide us with all the required information well in advance:

- Exact name of the Institute

- VAT/P.IVA in addition for Italian Institutes only:

- C.U.U. (Codice Univoco Ufficio),

- SPLIT Payment.

Storno INFN (INFN participants only)

The registration fee of INFN participants will be paid through an internal transfer among INFN sites. Other forms of payment will not be accepted. Further information can be obtained from the local INFN administrative offices.